SimpleTech by Hitachi Signature Mini 500GB Portable Hard Drive for $79.99 Shipped

SimpleTech by Hitachi Signature Mini 500GB Portable Hard Drive for $79.99 shipped.  Here is a screenshot for your reference.  Alternatively, it is available here for $84.99 shipped.  This portable USB drive does not require a separate power supply like most external drives and is smaller than most of them, making it more convenient to carry around.  Most places have this portable drive for about $100.

SimpleTech Signature Mini 500GB Portable Hard Drive for $75.99 Shipped

SimpleTech Signature Mini 500GB Portable Hard Drive (Espresso) for $75.99 shipped.  Here is a screenshot for your reference.  This portable USB drive does not require a separate power supply like most external drives and is smaller than most of them, making it more convenient to carry around.  Most places have it for about $100.