P3 International P4400 Kill A Watt Electricity Usage Monitor for $18.99

P3 International P4400 Kill A Watt Electricity Usage Monitor for $18.99.  Shipping is free on orders over $25. If needed, use this Filler Tool to pad the order for free shipping.  Here is a screenshot for your reference.  Kill-A-Watt helps identify power-hungry devices by measuring their actual usage.  Here is a video clip about what this device can do to measure usage and help save energy.

P3 International P4400 Kill A Watt Electricity Usage Monitor for $17.39

P3 International P4400 Kill A Watt Electricity Usage Monitor for $17.39.  Shipping is free on orders over $35. If needed, use this Filler Tool to pad the order for free shipping.  Here is a screenshot for your reference.  Kill-A-Watt helps identify power-hungry devices by measuring their actual usage.  Here is a video clip about what this device can do to measure usage and help save energy.

P3 International P4400 Kill A Watt Electricity Usage Monitor for $15.49

Kill A Watt P4400 – P3 International Electricity Usage Monitor for $15.49.   Shipping is free on orders over $25. If needed, use this Filler Tool to pad the order for free shipping.  Here is a screenshot for your reference.  Kill-A-Watt helps identify power-hungry devices by measuring their actual usage.  Here is a video clip about what this device can do to measure usage and help save energy.  Most places have it for about $20.