18 Red and White Roses with Free Clear Vase & Chocolate for $29.99. The shipping charge is $11.99 for a total of $41.98 delivered. It is a great deal for a nice holiday gesture.
Asus Black 19″ Widescreen LCD Monitor for $89.99 Shipped
Asus Black 19″ Widescreen LCD Monitor for $89.99 shipped after a $50 rebate.
Asus Black 19" Widescreen LCD Monitor for $89.99 Shipped
Asus Black 19″ Widescreen LCD Monitor for $89.99 shipped after a $50 rebate.
6-Ft Tall Gemmy Air Blown Penguin with Lollipop for $21.97
Gemmy Air Blown Penguin with Lollipop for $21.97. Shipping is $9.95 or free on orders over $75. Note it is 6-ft tall and makes for a prominent holiday display.
U-Dance Game for $20.00
U-Dance Game for $20.00 with free site-to-store shipping. This is a standalone game that does not require a console. As a comparison, it goes for $37.49 at Target.
Carmen by Carmen Marc Valvo Ponte Flared Pants for $27.00 Shipped
for $27.00 shipped.